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Forest Road



I live and work on the traditional lands of Peramangk people. I pay respects to elders past + present. 

I  further acknowledge that working with and sharing clay with others, is thanks to many indigenous and ancient cultures from all over the world.


I'm Megan, studio host + maker at Forest Road Studio

I love making things with clay, and sharing our studio space with others so that they can see what the fuss is all about...


About Me.

 I hold a Bachelors Degree in Science (Marine Biology - hence the fondness for nudibranchs) and a Diploma in Positive Psychology & Well-being.

Science and Well-Being are two of my greatest passions, I love observing and experimenting,  both in the studio and around the garden and home. I nurture my well-being by staying curious, fostering creativity, and spending a lot of time outside in the natural environments around us. I have discovered over the years that creativity and well-being are inextricably linked, and working with clay enables me to deepen my understanding and practice of both.


I feel very fortunate that I am able to explore this space where three of my loves - creativity, mindfulness and science all intersect - ceramics!


I love hosting Studio Guests,


I came to pottery at the perfect time in my life ...


~ when I really needed to connect back to my body, spend more time in the present moment, and retain my identity outside of being a new mum -


Working with clay brings me instantly into connection with my body, it allows me to explore my creativity, and to connect with others.


I love to follow what flows ...


My favourite (and often most productive) time in the studio is when I let go of outcomes, making way for possibilities outside of what I think I should make.


I love to let the clay guide me, to feel my way through the making process rather than thinking through it. I encourage all Studio Guests to do the same, and I have witnessed some amazing results.


Working with clay can be a form of therapy, it possesses an ability to ground the maker ...


 No words need be spoken, just connecting to your hands and feeling the clay is enough to bring you right back into your body, and the present moment.


My hope is that Guests of the Studio will feel welcome and relaxed. Connect to their own creativity, to the clay and to each other, and to create something that will be used and cherished.


Forest Road is not my full-time role ...

I have others that include - unschooling mum, gardener, mental wellness conversation starter, lifelong learner, appreciator of simple moments, perspective chair (sit spot) connoisseur, emotions advocate, nudibranch admirer, tea drinker, gratitude campaigner, seed collector, scuba diver, star-gazer, wife, mother, woman ...


I look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Forest Road Studio.

Megs x

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